
On Sunday, March 5, 2017 at Wildwood Community Church, I preached a sermon based on Matthew 4:12-25.  This message was part 4 in the “Foundations” sermon series.  Below you will find a set of questions related to the message for personal reflection or group discussion.

Sermon Questions:

  1. Pray
  2. Read Matthew 4:12-25
  3. Why do you think Jesus chose to set up His ministry in the northern part of Israel (in Galilee)?
  4. Who are the “unreached” in your life that the Lord wants to seek out through your witness?
  5. In what ways was Jesus’ ministry like a “movie trailer” for His future Kingdom?  What kinds of things did Jesus do on earth that you are excited to see in their feature presentation in the future Kingdom on earth?
  6. What are some of the things that are holding you back from fully following Jesus?  Peter and Andrew had to leave their boats.  James and John left their father.  Is there anything in this world that is holding you back from truly following Jesus?
  7. What is one particular application you took away from this passage/message?

To access these questions in pdf format, click here.

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